Friday, December 12, 2008

aNyThiNG ThaT CaN PossiBLy Go wRoNg, DoeS..

You might be wondering what is this.
The statement " Anything that can possibly go wrong, does " is nothing but Murphy's law.
According to Murphy, you cannot successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter i.e. if there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the FIRST to go wrong.
So, If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which something can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. The hidden flaw never stays hidden for long.
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
In nature, nothing is ever right. Therefore, if everything is going right ... something is wrong. Whatever you want, you can't have, what you can have, you don't want.
Whatever you want to do, is Not possible, what ever is possible for you to do, you don't want to do it.

In short, all i wanna say is dat "Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse".

Saturday, December 6, 2008


There's one sad truth in life I've found..
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best..

Trust is glue of every relationship. You should do any thing but try not to break trust of those who love you coz those people are damn lucky who get love of their life.
The best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
However good or bad u feel abt your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the "right " person, coz he or she is the mirror of who you are inside.
The greatest challenge in our lifetime cums wen we are supposed to make an old relationship work again..

I have learned in my lifetime so far that you can't help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you everyday that you just wanna be with them or just talk to you never stop trying to make them happy by little things you say or bcoz that what makes your life worth goin on for..

We enter a relationship as somebody and leave them as nobody.
Sooo dear... think before you get into a relationship n do take it seriously..


Mistakes are part and parcel of our life. If you are heading towards anything then you will definitely commit mistakes and if you don't that means either you are God (that's not possible ) or you are aiming to achieve something wrong.
We learn from our mistakes.
Every individual commits mistake in his journey.
Mistakes are like a package. You commit a mistake and you get a lesson for free. ;)
If you don't learn from your mistakes then there is no fun/sense of making them.
Soo dear, get sense out of your mistakes.
Never underestimate yourself on committing mistakes.
Also their is very thin line between mistakes and crime.
If you commit a mistake it means you were not aware of the outcomes or how will it harm you..
BUt inspite of knowing the aftereffects, if you go ahead.. then its a big crime..
Try to commit mistakes rather than bing a criminal.. :P